New Game+

This update is mainly to test saving in WebGL, the next update will let me know if this current method will work or if I'll need to turn to Unity's cloud saving system.

  • Added New Game+ option to the title screen if the player has any money saved
    • New Game+ skips the tutorial and starts the player at the introduction of the shop with whatever money they've earned
    • Money is saved whenever the player returns to the shop after a battle
    • No other information is saved at this time
    • WebGL saves should be stored in browser data and (hopefully) carry over between builds
    • This isn't intended to be the final form of saving and loading
  • The enemy attack icon now fills as enemies get closer to attacking
  • Cutscenes can be fast-forwarded through
  • Fixed an oversight in the tutorial where battle could be unpaused before fully explaining Frenzy and Retreating
  • The upgrade indicator no longer remains visible when going to battle
  • Battle Speed is remembered between visits to the shop
  • Enabling Automatic Upgrades works immediately instead of waiting for a purchase or Reroll
  • Trade Prompt now shows stats for both items
  • Prevented enemies from dealing damage after battle ends
  • The number of victories a player has achieved is now displayed at the end of battle, up to 6

Next up, new content of some sort!


Last Fantasy WebGL 40 MB
Jun 15, 2024
Last Fantasy Windows 68 MB
Jun 15, 2024
Last Fantasy Linux 65 MB
Jun 15, 2024

Get Last Fantasy: The Final Stand

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